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Own Life (2012 Pre-Release)

When I want to stay, you say I have to go.
When I wanna say “yes” you want to say “no”
When I want to laugh you think I have to cry
When I’m speaking truth you’re sure that it’s the lie.

Why should I live as you want?
You think that’s right but I don’t

I don't want to live your life
Not to feel myself into your skin
Not to think your thoughts
And not to see what you have seen

I want to live my own life
Make my own decisions with my head
Dream my dreams
And get the things i want to get

Why everything I love, you almost love to hate?
Why do you think you are for me my only fate?
You think the world is spinning ‘round just for you
And everyone has the disease you have to cure

Why would it be as you want?
You think that’s right but I don’t

(Music: Dima Petrov, Dan Krasnikov, Serge Zarudniy / Lyrics: Dima Petrov)
